Phytomelatonin content in Valeriana officinalis L. and some related phytotherapeutic supplements

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Melatonin, Phytomelatonin, Phytotherapy, Sedative, Sleep-in, Valerian


The use of medicinal plants as an alternative phytotherapeutic remedy against mild illnesses and dysfunctions is increasingly embraced by people. Among these dysfunctions, episodes of nervousness and anxiety due to lack of sleep and insomnia are becoming more and more frequent among the population. To remedy these problems, several plants with sedative activity are recommended. In particular, valerian root (Valeriana officinalis L.) is the most recommended and studied with a significant difference. This study presented a quantification of the phytomelatonin contents in valerian root and several related and recommended herb supplements against nervousness, anxiety, and insomnia. The results showed the presence of phytomelatonin in all the samples analyzed. The high phytomelatonin contents in valerian root and its supplements indicated that, in addition to the known constituents of valerian root such as valerenic acid, phytomelatonin also contributed to the phytotherapeutic activity of this plant since the relaxing and sleep-inducing activity of melatonin is well documented. The recommended daily doses of valerian are analyzed according to their phytomelatonin content, and recommendations are given on the possible synergistic action of the components of valerian as a relaxant and sleep inducer in patients with these dysfunctions. It is also recommended to document the phytomelatonin contents in phytotherapeutic preparations.


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How to Cite

Losada, M., Cano, A., Hernandez-Ruiz, J., & Arnao, M. B. (2022). Phytomelatonin content in Valeriana officinalis L. and some related phytotherapeutic supplements. International Journal of Plant Based Pharmaceuticals, 2(2), 176–181.



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